2230 AD. The world's fossil resources are exhausted. Two polar subterranean thermal reactors supply the increasing energy demand of mankind. An explosion in the Northern polar thermal reactor has destroyed all primary and secondary energy connections and contact with the engineers and rescue robots has been lost. Without an energy…
There's now 6 years i've discovered the minimalist sounds of the VSTi plugin 4KLang used in Demoparty. First track written with it was Love Potion Level 4 on a 4K production for CTRL+ALT+TEST. Each years, i was inspirated by those sounds to create jingle for University of Liège video score…
Super CJ Land : Welcome to my TinyWorld is not just a simple album about Chiptunes nor an album composed with GameBoys, this is a trip in Cyborg Jeff land with all those simple sounds and miniaturation competition from that universe. Tools have changed during this project ! You'll hear…
Some time now you didn't have a new album from Cyborg Jeff. So here is a little gift for Xmas, with this kwel album including my xmas theme compositions during those 10 years... You could for instance listen to a lot of tracks written for Xmas Flash video game realised…
First musics ever from Cyborg Jeff have appeared in 1996, and found their audience in the student’s lair at school. Years later, style has evolved, the artist matured and his music crawl the Web around the world… Meeting - at last - some success in his home country, mainly thanks…
Your time is invaluable, so why waste it here? Maybe cause a few weeks ago, or a few years, you've one day heard about «cyborgjeff». Some of you know me in real life since long time ago and some other one have discovered cyborgjeff at the time of his arrival…
One year after the album "Popbuster", Cyborg Jeff is back with a fresher album "Just a Smile". At the beginning, it would be just a 5 titles album centred around the two tracks "A smile on your face" and Miss Eskimo. All started during a chat time with my friend…
En 2003, parralèlement à mon implication dans le développement de musiques pour le jeu d'aventure d'Arcallians, j'ai également travaillé à des musiques pour l'excellent game designer Sylvain Sarrailh de Boué Team (C'est celui qui a par exemple dessiné toutes les illustrations du perso cyborgjeff). On retrouve dans cet album, les compositions réalisées pour…
From Dos to Windows,... Popbuster !!! Here is the new cyborgjeff's album, something really different than last "Let the sun shine" dance album... This is time I'll try to be closer than Pop music.. first with my old Impulse Tracker (running under dos) and finally switching (and learning?) Jeskola Buzz Tracker…
année : 2004 style : Electro, New-Age blog : / site-web : / téléchargement : / réalisé par : Pierre Martin, Pierrick Hansen, Sylvain Martin avec l’aide de : Marie Martin