Here is some download’s solutions for this new album. You sure could download track by track but also a .ZIP package. Goddess in my Hand is also available on free music plate-forme as Jamendo and LastFM. I also investigate a Collector CD version that will be buyable later.
1. JE SUIS PLUG & PLAY (3′14″) [Martin-Martin]
2. WHAT IS LOVE ‘kryptonic vocal 08′ (5′29″) [Haddaway-Martin-Santoro]
3. UNE AUTRE GALAXIE (3′41″) [Martin]
4. GODDESS IN MY HANDS (5′27″) [Martin]
5. LA FEE EN ROSE (4′08″) [Leroy-Belval-Martin-Thirion]
7. DESIRE 777 (3′55″) [Martin]
8. TRANSFORMERS 2007 (3′42″) [Martin]
9. C64 ADDICT (4′34″) [Martin]
10. ASTEROÏD RAVE PARTY (5′45″) [Martin]
11. GRAINS DE POUSSIERE ‘floating 2008 mix’ (3′32″) [Martin]
12. JE SUIS PLUG & PLAY ‘K93 remix’ (x’xx”) [Martin-Martin-Kossouho]
13. SHARPNESS (2′54″) [Martin]
14. C’EST EXTRAORDINAIRE ‘radio edit’ (3′03″) [Martin-Daerden]
15. DAERDEN MACHINE ‘web edit’ (3′26″) [Martin-Daerden]
download : RAR Full Version (With more bonus !)
download from Last.FM
download limited version from Jamendo (What is Love and La Fée en rose not available)