Soon streaming preview

Date 2007/11/28 12:31:45 | Topic: events

I'm working on adding streaming on each music available on the website, some tunes allready offer that, but i've lot of code to do. So for now, i should see a Dewplayer on each download, but it will not work on all items
Few weeks later, i've added manualy a player on some tracks, but it is not a good way of working, so i've just import it in the xoops template, so this one viewed on each items as if there is nothing to stream.

I will addapt it to work like this !

1. the url is and MP3, then use it to stream song (i should create a new smarty variable to do that)
2. the url is a module, so maybe the homepage is an MP3 (intersting to propose IT version and MP3), so use the homepage to stream
3. there is no MP3 on both solution, don't display the player.

After that.. i'll should work on TAG module and new design !

This article comes from cyborg jeff

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