Let the sun shine 10th birthday

Date 2013/11/7 13:20:00 | Topic: info

In the end of 2013 there will be 10 years i've share you the first great CD Album of Cyborg Jeff : Let the Sun Shine !

So it's good moment to let you rediscover it and learn more about that EuroDance project realised with the emultion of N-Zone New Formation and Trackers@Work1 !

The album is downloadable for free on BandCamp2 !

This article comes from cyborg jeff

The URL for this story is:


  1. mailto:Trackers@Work
  2. https://cyborgjeff.bandcamp.com/album/let-the-sun-shine
  3. http://cyborgjeff.untergrund.net/site/
  4. http://cyborgjeff.untergrund.net/site/modules/news/article.php?storyid=177