I’ve got a brand new Phone able to use MP3 ringtones, so i’ve made 2 ring packs with best songs from my personnal albums AND scenemusic and game remix. i’ve not just simply cut files but also rearranged sequences to create fun ringtones.
You’ll find songs from Maf, Hunz (need to redo it), Elwood, Radix, Reed, Odd, Machianae Supremacy, Cyborg Jeff, Arkanoïd, Commando, Kirby, Monkey island, Lemmings, R-Type, Speedball, Furry of the furries,… Hope you like it. (tested on a K700i)
I will soon realised other packs , and i also prepare some gfx sections (that i was allready converted for my old C60), and maybe some scene’s theme for the K700i (dunno if it will be compatible with other phone, but probably with the other Sony Ericsson series)