Well, since CJ discovered Internet, there were a lot of place where you could download and find Cyborg Jeff music. Here is first a list of website :
Old Cyborg Jeff website : Soon swap with this website.Jamendo : One of the big place to download Cyborg Jeff’s albums in MP3 format.
Youtube Channel : Many videos from Sound Tracker composition.
SoundCloud : The best place to hear my last music and ideas.
Bandcamp : This where new albums could be find.
ModArchive : Good place to find lot of Cyborg Jeff’s sound tracker modules.
LastFM : Some old albums are available in MP3 format without the Jamendo censure.
Bide et Musique : This fun french radio broadcast the EP : Daerden Machine.
Overclocked Remix : The three great video-games remixes i’ve made are on OCRemix including Lotus and Fury of the Furries.
Grooveshark : Many Cyborg Jeff’s songs in streaming.