One year after the album "Popbuster", Cyborg Jeff is back with a fresher album "Just a Smile". At the beginning, it would be just a 5 titles album centred around the two tracks "A smile on your face" and Miss Eskimo.
All started during a chat time with my friend K93 (Steve Kossouho) about the cover of the single "A smile on your face", then arrived the idea of a Miss Eskimo, and some minutes later, Cyborg Jeff started to write the song !
The 14 tracks and the bonus was written to be closer than that ambiance and sound experience. This time not a lot of tracks written with other musician. For instance you'll hear Naked on a blue sky, a trance remix of the french musician GDream. You'll also discover a remix of the Nintendo game Donkey Kong Country 2 and something mixing Marc Lavoine with C64 audio promotion.
Finally, this album was the first completly written under Jeskola Buzz Tracker !
Alana Dante, Antoine Reeckmans, Astérix, Axl, Bamboo, Beni Benassi, BT, Crazy Man, Cyberdesire, Dave Wise, DJ Bart, Fabien M., Gazus Snake, Gdream, GEM, Hantisse, Int3rpol, Jessica Thirion, Just A Man, K93, Kevin Spencer, Lemon 64, Machinae Supremacy, Mackenzie, Marc Lavoine, Mindbenders, Moby, Mutthead, Nectarine, Nejan, Nightwatchers, Nounours, Opus III, Ozone, Pierrick Hansen, Roef, Sylvain Martin, Sash !, Savage Tiger, Toad, untergrund.net, Vanisher III, Vincent Martin, vgmix.com, YAMAHA DJX, tous les membre de Deviance et de Trackers@Work