"Let the sun shine" is one of the most first conceptual musical album of Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin). Completly oriented on Dance Music, you'll find there only hits ! But close to those tracks there are also a kwel cover realised by K93 (Steve Kossouho) and the first mini promotionnal website for a Cyborg Jeff's album, so well in 2003 it was the best Cyborg Jeff's CD album.
You'll find there the original track Let the sun shine also available on the album "Past, Present, Future) but also some remix versions from the finish musician Little Bitchard and a bonus version realised by the german Genetic Gemini.
This album also starred the versus duo of Gdream and Cyborg Jeff especially with the dance cover of L'amour est un soleil from Hélène Segara.
Let The Sun Shine was the last album of Cyborg Jeff written on MS-DOS with Impulse Tracker on a PC AMD Athlon 1800+
Songs written by Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin)
Creadream Label - Trackers at Work 2003
2,6,8,16 : except l'amour est un soleil (original from Hélène Segara) and J'envoie valser (original from Zazie)
2,10 : songs version realised by GDream
2,16 : vocals by Astrid Boulanger
3 : vocals by Miranda Ummels recorded by Didier Rombauts
4 : song written with Sylvain Martin
8 : vocals by Jessica Thirion
10 : song remixed by Gdream
11 : song remixed by Little Bitchard
14 : song inspirated by Giorgos and Valentin Boigelot
tnx : 666 - A.L.E. - Andromeda - Antoine Reeckmans - Alkeos Giorgos - Astrid Boulanger - Beezee - Benni Benassi - Biotic - Breakpoint demoparty - Buenzli demoparty - Butch - Charles Penelle - Chicane - Didier Rombauts - DJ Eskimo DJ Saki & Friends - Eiffel 65 - Fabrice Tonnelier - Fruity Loops - Gdream - GEM - Genetic Gemini - Impulse Tracker - Jean-Michel Jarre - Jessica Thirion - Justice - K93 - Klubbhead - Little Bitchard - Miranda Ummels - Modulez.org - N-Zone New Formation - Nokia - Olmo Lipani - Paranoyak - Pierrick Hansen - Phenixir - Prezioso - Pro Xex - Quena Sound - Romuald Dispa - Roland E68 - Sash! - Scanner - Sony - Sunclub - Sylvain Martin - The Skulls - Thierry Dubois - Toad - Tekno.com - Valentin Boigelot - Yamaha DJX - Zazie
tnx paranoyak for sharing the prerelease version 🙂