Dalezy, Cerror and the other…

So i’ve read some great people as Dalezy or Cerror, have bad feelings about me, so i should clarify things. Dalezy, the songs my brother and I have re-arrangement from your work in 2000 is just a funny test on Warhawk theme, this one never sold and was available on HTML Quest free album, and credits are mention on it!

About Cerror’s words, song(s) of him are present on my FEW (Free Electro Web) CD compilations. Those one are not sold, this is just for personnal usage. I show and share link of songs on it from here and other webpage, to promote the power of demoscene music, and show my favorite one !

I have lot of respected for all people mentionned on those compilation, for you too Dalezy, so i realy would like you now that !

One thought on “Dalezy, Cerror and the other…

  1. ( Pype — aka codasm, the bross, typing )
    oh yeah. it was *that* ugly cover of mine …
    Unlike CJ, i can hardly be considered as a composer. I know music, play the guitar and the like … and since i shared CJ’s room for years, i’ve been exposed to Scream Tracker and Impulse tracker and it i gave it a couple of tries, picking a good-sounding module and using its sounds to cover a them i like (usually old C-64 themes)… usually with ugly results.

    Most of the time, the stuff has just been swapped with a couple of friends. Occasionally, my brother thinks it’s not completely unbearable and decide to “extend” my little tests, and in the case of “starhawk 2000”, i guess he was looking out for songs that could fill the 80-min CD he was about to burn.

    I can remember we argued, by that time, whether it was a good idea or not to have it in. But well, it was too late, the disk was burnt already. Probably i should have requested CJ to omit those songs when he decided to make the CD as a whole available online — that would have saved him from Dalezy’s frowning eyes.

    I could have … but i haven’t. And probably even if i had, he would have included them anyway, the same way you can download “Dr Feelgood” and many other surprising songs of his first years of tracking.

    He is often criticized for uploading too much, but that’s something that’s from the inner depth of his person. As far as i know, where i am the “pick only the very best” kind of person, my brother “CJ” is more of the “exhaustive” kind. He would probably sell his car to buy the complete archive of every song written by every tracker on the scene, and he would likely take a year off to listen them all, sort them by preference, write down charts, and share those charts with his friends.
    I guess that can explain why there is a “the anthology is here” sentence on top of his website.

    I wished you see him a bit more through my eyes…
    I wish you hear him arguing how disgusting Timbaland’s ripping is.

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