For sure, years passed and music is sometimes far from today’s life. I’ve so many works with the children, movies, weddings, photos, gardening,… anyway, i’m still there.
Sometimes you’ve just on a crossroad in your life. both left and right road seems to be a good way. Once with flowers and and another with cute far village. Once seems to be long and the other one with some hills to climb. None of them was worst, you just need to choose your way and can’t go forward.
At that moment, you’ve been dropped in a temp crash, that let you stay in both life. Your mind was connected to Open Mogplug Tracker with the minimalist 4KLange VSTi and you hands let play some notes between to movie rendering. A song was borned. That tune have not a one way direction, there are many hypothesis, no schemes but surprises, aproximations, imperfections… just like the life.
What a chance, i realy need a new generic theme for IFRES season 2015. For sure i should also try to use this song in a 4K Demo or 64ko project, but i need to share it now. It’s still in the same mod than Love Potion Level 4 as it use the same synths.
Musically, i was proud of this bass sound that balance the track. It sounds minimalist but have something modern too. The bass theme is for sure a poke to New Beat generation.
About the quite intro note sequence, it remember scenemusic ambient (maybe 2L from Alkama ?) (7 bytes, 1,072 hits)
Crossroads in my life - Y 2015.MP3 (10.7 MiB, 1,098 hits)