HTML Quest

There are around 20 years now i've discovering "Chiptunes". In 1995, i've sampled my GameBoy to make some tune sounding like that, but at that time i don't know about the rules of chipuntes, making musics with a tracker and so tiny looped instrument that sounds like that. I discovered…

Powerglove – Amiga OST released

Ode to the Amiga time, I invite you to discover the OST I've written for Powerglove (by Lazycow). The game from Matthias Bock will be soon available on the mythic 90s computer ! Powerglove - Amiga OST by Cyborg Jeff During you're playing with the Hero and his powerglove to…

Powerglove, the Amiga version

[caption id="attachment_794" align="alignright" width="480"] PowerGlove Amiga Version still in developpement.[/caption] Do u remember PowerGlove video games from LazyCow on the C64 ? Yep, you've right that's a kwel game for the one i've written the audio part in 2013.  Matthias Bock is for now working hard on the Amiga version…